Bill of Lading

Bill of Lading

A Bill of Lading is a legal document issued by the carrier, that confirms the receipt of a car for transport, and specifies the terms and conditions of delivery. The document is emitted at the time of pick-up and must be signed by the client and the carrier. It is also signed by all parts when the car is delivered.

Some of the information that you will find in this document are: the carrier contact information, the agreed dates and times, the form of payment, the valuation coverage, or the description of your car.

Consider the Bill of Lading as a receipt, a contract and a document that ensures the security of your possession – all in one.

How to make best use of this document…

Before signing the Bill of Lading, make sure you have carefully inspected both your car and the document, and that the description of your car is accurate. Also make sure that the information on the Bill of Lading corresponds to the one on the other documents (e.g., order for service), and that you agree with all the details.

The possible damages must be recorded here at the time of delivery. The Bill of Lading will be the single evidence supporting any further discussions and claims related to these damages, so don’t lose your copy.